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The tightest local labor markets

New insights from the Research Division

The FRED Blog recently used research from the St. Louis Fed to discuss how pandemic-related immigration restrictions affected the number of job vacancies per unemployed person—a.k.a., labor market tightness.

Today, we revisit this topic by highlighting research pinpointing the urban centers with the tightest labor markets.

The FRED graph above shows data from Indeed.com, an aggregator of online job listings. Indeed reports job posting activity as a 7-day trailing average, presented as an index with a value of 100 on February 1, 2020. Job postings are highly correlated with job vacancies, and the FRED graph shows persistently elevated levels of job postings (as of May 2023) in three metropolitan statistical areas: Jackson, Mississippi; Omaha-Council Bluffs, Nebraska-Iowa; and Madison, Wisconsin.

Recent research from Cassie Marks, Lowell R. Ricketts, William M. Rodgers III, and Hannah Rubinton at the St. Louis Fed explores tightening in local labor markets during the recovery from the COVID-19-induced recession. Their work specifically identifies the cities of Jackson, Mississippi; Omaha, Nebraska; and Madison, Wisconsin, as the urban centers with the tightest labor markets as of May 2023.

For more about this and other research, visit the website of the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which offers an array of economic analysis and expertise provided by our staff.

How this graph wase created: Search FRED for and select “Job Postings on Indeed in Jackson, MS (MSA).” From the “Edit Graph” panel, use the “Add Line” tab to search for and add “Job Postings on Indeed in Omaha-Council Bluffs, NE-IA (MSA).” Repeat the last step to add “Job Postings on Indeed in Madison, WI (MSA)” to the graph.

Suggested by Diego Mendez-Carbajo.

A greater number of workers still remain outside the labor force

Pre-pandemic trends vs. current levels

The labor force is defined as the people who currently hold a job or are actively seeking a job. A person who is not employed and also is not looking to become employed isn’t considered part of the labor force.

When the pandemic hit in early 2020, businesses closed. A larger-than-usual portion of the labor force was suddenly without work. Some got other jobs, some kept looking, but millions left the labor force. This departure had a multitude of causes, such as early retirement, self-isolation due to the pandemic, taking care of loved ones, or frustration with an unsuccessful job search and continued access to increased federal unemployment benefits.

The FRED graph above shows that the number of people outside the labor force spiked in the spring of 2020. That number declined, as more workers re-entered the labor force over the next year, but the number is still well above what it was before the pandemic.

The red line in the graph is the 5-year trend line from January 2015 to January 2020, which we extended to the current time: More people are still outside the labor force than we would have expected, based on the trend leading up to the pandemic. In fact, there are 2.2 million more people outside the labor force than was expected, which can help explain the current tightness in the labor force.

How this graph was created: On FRED search for “not in labor force” and select the series. Set the start/end dates to January 2015 and 2020. Export the data by clicking “Download.” From your spreadsheet software, calculate a trend line from January 2015 to January 2020. Then go back to the FRED graph and click “Edit Graph.” From the “Add Line” tab, use the “Create user-defined line” to create the red line. Start the line in January 2015 with the value 93510 and end on the present day with a value of 97689. Finally, set the graph to display from 2014.

Suggested by Jack Fuller and Charles Gascon.

A review of labor market conditions

The U.S. unemployment rate stands at 4.3 percent, a value slightly lower than at the peak of the expansion in 2007. This is a sign of a very healthy labor market. The question is to what extent do other indicators of labor market health paint a similar picture.

FRED has recently added several data series that capture various measures of labor market tightness. A very tight labor market means that employers have a harder time filling open positions because most workers are employed and fewer are looking for jobs. There are several ways to capture labor market tightness: In the following graphs, we present a few of them and compare their evolution before and after the previous recession.

The first graph shows the vacancy-to-unemployment ratio and the quits rate. The blue line (left axis) is the number of vacancies per unemployed worker. When the economy enters recession, this measure declines as the number of unemployed workers increases and the vacancies per unemployed worker decrease. A low number of vacancies per unemployed worker is a sign of slack in the labor market. After the 2007-09 recession, this ratio increased at a slow pace until 2014, when it increased sharply and surpassed its pre-recession high. The red line (right axis) is the number of quits per employed worker. Similar to the vacancy ratio, this indicator declines in recessionary periods. Within the past few months the quit rate has recovered to pre-recession levels.

The second graph shows the mean level of vacancy duration and an index of recruiting intensity per vacancy. In a tight labor market, employers will have to look harder, or more intensely, to fill open positions as the number of unemployed candidates is reduced. Similarly, vacancy durations will be higher as recruiting efforts take longer in a tight labor market. Since the 2007-09 recession, vacancy durations have surpassed pre-recession levels, reaching a series high of 29.6 business days per vacancy in April 2016. The recruiting intensity index is close to its pre-recession level, but has not increased as quickly as vacancy durations.

Overall, the different indicators of labor market conditions analyzed here point to a healthy recovery of the U.S. labor market.

How these graphs were created: Top graph: Search for “Vacancy to Unemployment Ratio” in FRED and graph the series with the copyright symbol in the title (copyrighted by DHI Group Inc. and Dr. Steven J. Davis). Then click the orange “Edit Graph” button and add a line using the middle button on the top of the menu that appears to the right. Search for “Quits Rate” in the box and add the series with the copyright symbol. Finally, click the “Format” button on the menu and below Line 2 select the option to change the y-axis position to the right. Bottom graph: Repeat these steps, but use DHI-DFH Mean Vacancy Duration and DHI-DFH Index of Recruiting Intensity per Vacancy.

Suggested by Maximiliano Dvorkin and Hannah Shell.


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