With household finance, the monthly difference between your net income and your expenses is the cash supply left over that you can save. The US Bureau of Economic Analysis summarizes all this information at the national level. Here at the FRED Blog, we’d like to help connect and clarify those national and household perspectives.
The FRED graph above shows the monthly changes, measured in billions of dollars, in net personal income (blue bars), expenses (green bars), and saving (orange bars) between January and December 2024. Notice the name of the first two data series:
- Net personal income is labeled disposable personal income, which is the sum of all streams of personal income (including employer contributions to pensions, insurance funds, and social security) received by households, minus the personal taxes they paid.
- Expenses is labeled personal outlays, which is the sum of all the payments households made to buy goods and services (including repaying loans), plus donations, fees, and fines paid to the government or to the rest of the world.
Back to the FRED graph: In January and October, the monthly change in disposable income was larger than the change in outlays and personal saving increased. During the rest of the year, the change in outlays was larger than the change in disposable income and total personal saving decreased.
How this graph was created: Browse FRED data by “Release” and navigate the alphabetical listing to “Personal Income and Outlays > Table 2.6. Personal Income and Its Disposition, Monthly.” Next, select the following three series by clicking on the box to the left of their names: “Equals: Disposable personal income,” “Less: Personal outlays,” and “Equals: Personal saving.” Next, click on the “Add to Graph” button at the bottom of the webpage. Next, click on the “Edit Graph” button above the FRED graph and “Edit Lines” by changing the units to “Change, Billions of Dollars.” Click on “Copy to all.” Last, select the “Format” tab to change the “Graph type” to “Bar.”
Suggested by Diego Mendez-Carbajo.