Federal Reserve Economic Data

The FRED® Blog

Is Inflation Running Hot or Cold?

One popular measure of the price level is the consumer price index (CPI), which measures the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of goods and services. This index can be broken down into smaller component indexes, each representing a different subset of goods and services. So changes in the aggregate price level can be traced back to changes in the price levels of the underlying components. As described in a recent Economic Synopses essay, we have developed a “heat map” that visually represents CPI data in FRED: specifically, the relative inflation levels of various CPI components over the past 10 years. The heat map shown here lists the components in order according to their weight in the overall index as of July 17, 2015.

2015 July 20 FRED Blog post heat map x800

How this heat map was created: We used the FRED Add-In for Microsoft Excel (view instructions for installing the Add-In here) to download the FRED data: year-over-year percent change in each CPI component index over the past 10 years. We normalized each value by subtracting the series mean and dividing by its standard deviation calculated over the past 10 years to take into account differences in long-term trends and volatility across series. Each colored box in the heat map corresponds to the normalized inflation value for a given CPI component for a particular month. Blue represents an inflation value below the long-term trend of the index, and red represents an inflation value above the long-term trend. The darker the color, the greater the difference between that particular inflation value and the long-run average for the component index in terms of standard deviations.

Because we’re comparing series against their long-run averages, it’s possible for a “blue” series to have a higher inflation rate than a “red” series. For example, for June 2015, owners’ equivalent rent is red, with an inflation value of 2.95 percent; water, sewer, and trash is blue, and yet has a higher inflation value of 4.65 percent. The reason is that the June 2015 owners’ equivalent rent inflation is above its 10-year average of 2.16 percent; and the June 2015 water, sewer, and trash inflation is below its 10-year average of 5.11 percent.

An Excel file containing a version of this heat map can be found here, and anyone who downloads the FRED Excel Add-In has the ability to easily update the heat map when new data are released. Simply select the tab containing the raw data and press the “Update Data” button from the FRED Excel Add-in. (More instructions and details are provided in the Excel file.)

Suggested by Joseph T. McGillicuddy and Lowell R. Ricketts.


How did the U.S. economy perform under the pre-Fed gold standard?

The Federal Reserve System, established in 1914, recently marked its 100th anniversary. Every so often, someone expresses a longing for the “good old days” when the United States had no central bank and the dollar was anchored to the gold standard. Under a gold standard, the government promises to exchange its currency for gold at a fixed price; proponents argue that this prevents the government from printing money to finance expenditures, which could be inflationary. So, mainly the supply of gold, and not central bank policy or government spending, determines the value of the nation’s money.

The United States suspended the gold standard during the Civil War, but the Resumption Act of 1875 led to our return to the gold standard in 1879. The gold standard lasted through the creation of the Fed, loosened somewhat during the Great Depression, and eventually was abandoned in 1971.

How did the U.S. economy perform under the gold standard before the Fed was established? I turned to data in the NBER Macrohistory Database to find out.

The first graph plots the U.S. monetary gold stock and an index of the general level of prices from June 1878 to Dec. 1914. (The shaded areas indicate U.S. recessions.) Changes in the size of the gold stock were caused by additions to world gold supply (mainly from mining) and to gold flows associated with payments for international trade and investment. Over much of this period, especially after major gold discoveries increased world supplies in the 1890s, the monetary gold stock rose and the U.S. price level rose in response. However, over shorter periods of one to two years, the relationship between the size of the gold stock and the price level was not so close. For example, the price level rose sharply in the early 1880s and then abruptly declined, despite a smoothly rising gold stock.

The second graph shows the volatility of the price level during this period by plotting the year-over-year percent change in the price level (i.e., the inflation rate) alongside the gold stock. We can see the inflation rate fluctuated widely in this period, from about -10% in some years to about +10% in others. Over most of the period, the average inflation rate was low—close to zero—but the annual fluctuations in the rate were large, much larger than they have been in the United States in recent years. This price index for the 19th and early 20th centuries was constructed using different methods and with less information and precision than current price indexes use, which must be kept in mind when making comparisons between the pre-Fed era and modern times. However, beyond the volatility in the rate of inflation, the pre-Fed era was marked by several recessions, as well as serious banking panics and other financial crises. Thus, the historical evidence indicates that neither a gold standard nor the absence of a central bank guarantees economic or financial stability.

How these graphs were created: The “Academic Data” section of FRED contains data series constructed or contributed by academics and other non-official sources. The NBER Macrohistory Database includes historical series collected by researchers at the NBER and others. For these graphs, find the series “Monetary Gold Stock for United States” in the NBER Macrohistory Database under the subcategory “Money and Banking” or by using the tag “gold.” Select the range 1878-1914. Add the “Index of the General Price Level for United States” series to the graph (from the same database) and assign this series to the right y-axis in the “edit data series” window. For the second graph, simply change the units of the price level series to “Percent change from year ago.”

Suggested by David Wheelock.

View on FRED, series used in this post: M04051USM324NNBR, M1476AUSM027NNBR

Finding old inflation data

A recent FRED Blog post showed that individual products provide an incomplete understanding of overall inflation, but sometimes individual products are all you have. For example, before 1913 there was no official CPI (and the CPI wasn’t even seasonally adjusted until 1948). But specific prices from the past do exist. The NBER Macrohistory Database gathers a variety of historical sources, including newspapers, to create data series on prices. The graph shows some of these series. Again, it becomes pretty clear pretty quickly that tracking these individual prices doesn’t allow for a well-defined picture of the evolution of the general price level. You need to compose an index with a broad base of products for that.

The NBER Macrohistory Database does have a few price indexes, including one for wholesale prices that uses the series shown in this graph and one for general prices that is cobbled together from available sources, including wage data. The quality and scope of this slice of economic history certainly don’t match the standards of the current CPI.

How this graph was created: Search for and select the NBER Macrohistory Database, select the tag “price” in the left bar, and choose the various series you want to see. It may require searching more than a screenful to find the series used in this graph.

Suggested by Christian Zimmermann

View on FRED, series used in this post: M04005US16980M280NNBR, M04099US000NYM297NNBR, M04135US000NYM287NNBR, M0426AUS000NYM292NNBR, M0441AUS000NYM275NNBR, M0482AUS16980M267NNBR

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